Unlock endless opportunities with 15,000+
products across 21 Global Markets

Unlock endless opportunities with a wide range of products across 21 Global Markets

Unlock endless opportunities with 15,000+
products across 23 Global Markets

Stocks (CFDs)

Invest In Stocks And Stocks CFDs with CFI

Tesla, Google, Amazon? They all ring a bell. Trade thousands of US, UK, and EU stocks and stock CFDs from one single interface

Cryptocurrencies (CFDs)

Trade Crypto Volatility The Simple Way with CFI

Join the mainstream revolution and trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies CFDs including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and many more

Forex (CFDs)

Trade Forex CFDs with CFI

See how the world’s economies react with access to major, minor and exotic currencies from around the globe

Indices (CFDs)

Invest In Indices CFDs with CFI

Have more than one stock in mind? Not to worry, CFI offers you a variety of indices CFDs that would give you the broad exposure you’re looking for

Commodities (CFDs)

Trade Commodity CFDs with CFI

Looking to hedge against economic uncertainties or maybe expecting an increase in the price of Oil? Discover low-cost trading on Gold, Oil, and other key commodity CFDs.


Trade ETFs CFDs with CFI

One of the most customizable ways to trade. Explore our range of simple and complex funds and invest towards the future

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